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Freitag, 4. Mai 2012 Showcase of Dark and Mythical Fiction Fantasy Artworks Showcase of Dark and Mythical Fiction Fantasy Artworks

Showcase of Dark and Mythical Fiction Fantasy Artworks

Posted: 25 Apr 2012 10:35 PM PDT

The fantasy genre spans many generations, styles and forms, crossing many boundaries along the way. From Lord Of The Rings, to The Odyssey, and Beowulf, the fantasy genre is one where there are few rules, and anything goes. Creators and storytellers can express themselves and their ideas fully with no limitations. Much like science fiction, fantasy requires a healthy dose of imagination from the creator, regardless of what fantasy sub-genre is involved.

themonster Showcase of Dark and Mythical Fiction Fantasy Artworks

Since fantasy is a very visual art form, the most popular works are indeed visual; mainly, movies. But even movies start with a concept, where artists create concepts, paintings, illustrations and artworks that will eventually serve as inspiration for the finished product. We’ve collected 30 haunting and mythic fantasy artworks that are sure to arouse your attention. Enjoy!

The Path To The Miracle. (Image source: Noah Kh)

thepath Showcase of Dark and Mythical Fiction Fantasy Artworks

Shadow Of The Brook. (Image source: WildWeasel339)

shadowofthebrook Showcase of Dark and Mythical Fiction Fantasy Artworks

The Spy. (Image source: Yuan Zhang)

thespy Showcase of Dark and Mythical Fiction Fantasy Artworks

The Relic. (Image source: Kuang Hong)

therelic Showcase of Dark and Mythical Fiction Fantasy Artworks

Water Pirate King. (Image source: Radoslav Topalov)

realmwaterking Showcase of Dark and Mythical Fiction Fantasy Artworks

Given Up. (Image source: Nrekkvan)

givenup Showcase of Dark and Mythical Fiction Fantasy Artworks

A Cavalier. (Image source: Mintgrutu)

cavalier Showcase of Dark and Mythical Fiction Fantasy Artworks

Honeycombs. (Image source: Tuomas Korpi)

honeycombs Showcase of Dark and Mythical Fiction Fantasy Artworks

Marcus The Robber. (Image source: StrongOST)

marcustherobber Showcase of Dark and Mythical Fiction Fantasy Artworks

The Inn. (Image source: Matt Allsopp)

theinn Showcase of Dark and Mythical Fiction Fantasy Artworks

The Siege. (Image source: Kerem Beyit)

thesiege Showcase of Dark and Mythical Fiction Fantasy Artworks

The Forest Shrine. (Image source: Jerry8448)

theforestshrine Showcase of Dark and Mythical Fiction Fantasy Artworks

Welcome Back. (Image source: Nrekkvan)

welcomeback Showcase of Dark and Mythical Fiction Fantasy Artworks

Plagued Moon. (Image source: Sheba-Windstorm)

plaguedmoon Showcase of Dark and Mythical Fiction Fantasy Artworks

Tree Hive. (Image source: Tuomas Korpi)

treehive Showcase of Dark and Mythical Fiction Fantasy Artworks

Into The City. (Image source: Yuan Zhang)

intothecity Showcase of Dark and Mythical Fiction Fantasy Artworks

The Grave. (Image source: Kuang Hong)

thegrave Showcase of Dark and Mythical Fiction Fantasy Artworks

The Dragon. (Image source: Kerem Beyit)

thedragonawakens Showcase of Dark and Mythical Fiction Fantasy Artworks

Follow Me. (Image source: Nicponim)

followme Showcase of Dark and Mythical Fiction Fantasy Artworks

Eowyn And Nazgul. (Image source: Nick Delgaris)

eowyn Showcase of Dark and Mythical Fiction Fantasy Artworks

We Meet Again. (Image source: Emile Denis)

wemeetagain Showcase of Dark and Mythical Fiction Fantasy Artworks

Evil Army. (Image source: Jeremy Love)

evilarmy Showcase of Dark and Mythical Fiction Fantasy Artworks

Before The Battle. (Image source: Hong Kuang)

beforethebattle Showcase of Dark and Mythical Fiction Fantasy Artworks

Fire Dragon. (Image source: Essence750)

firedragon Showcase of Dark and Mythical Fiction Fantasy Artworks

Dark Riders. (Image source: Maciej Kuciara)

darkriders Showcase of Dark and Mythical Fiction Fantasy Artworks

The Cemetery. (Image source: Vitalik)

thecemetery Showcase of Dark and Mythical Fiction Fantasy Artworks

The Dust Knight. (Image source: Kuang Hong)

thedustknight Showcase of Dark and Mythical Fiction Fantasy Artworks

The Monster. (Image source: Federico Scarbini)

themonster Showcase of Dark and Mythical Fiction Fantasy Artworks

Lilith. (Image source: Jorge Jacinto)

lilith Showcase of Dark and Mythical Fiction Fantasy Artworks

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How To Find Out who Unfriended You on Facebook [Quicktip]

Posted: 26 Apr 2012 01:40 AM PDT

Checking your friends’ list to find out who unfriended you on Facebook may be a difficult task, knowing that this is almost impossible to detect without thorough sleuthing. Even if you kept a close eye on your friends’ friend-count for any decrease, you still can’t be sure if anyone has been unfriended.

unfriendnotification How To Find Out who Unfriended You on Facebook [Quicktip]

Rather than visit your friends’ profile page one by one to check, you can try the unfriend notification tool Unfriend Finder instead.

Unfriend Finder is a browser script for Facebook. Once installed, it will notify you when someone unfriends you on Facebook. The notification not only informs you of the unfriend action, but also tells you who did the unfriending.

1. Install Unfriend Finder

To install, head over to the Unfriend Finder official site, go to the download page and click on the download button to start installation.

download unfriend finder How To Find Out who Unfriended You on Facebook [Quicktip]

A pop-up will prompt for installation; click on the ‘Install’ button to proceed. Installation is automatic and will be complete in seconds.

install unfriend finder How To Find Out who Unfriended You on Facebook [Quicktip]

If you are using Firefox, you need to install the Greasemonkey add-on before you can start using Unfriend Finder.

greasemonkey How To Find Out who Unfriended You on Facebook [Quicktip]

2. unfriend Finder on Facebook

When installation is complete, open your Facebook page and you will see 3 additional menu and icon buttons indicating that Unfriend Finder is now active. Check out the:

  1. Top-right menu of your Facebook page, visible on all pages.

    toprightmenu How To Find Out who Unfriended You on Facebook [Quicktip]

  2. Left menu of your Facebook Wall

    unfriend finder leftmenu How To Find Out who Unfriended You on Facebook [Quicktip]

  3. Bottom icon button next to Facebook Chat, visible on all pages.

    bottomicon How To Find Out who Unfriended You on Facebook [Quicktip]

3. Be notified of unfriending events

Unfriend Finder will not have any previous unfriend record, however it will start detecting new unfriend actions as long as the script is active.

Now whenever a person unfriends you on Facebook, you will be notified through the notification menu.

notification How To Find Out who Unfriended You on Facebook [Quicktip]

Click on the notifications board to find out who has unfriend you.

notified How To Find Out who Unfriended You on Facebook [Quicktip]

Besides the notifications, you can see the list from your Unfriend Finder page too.

unfriend How To Find Out who Unfriended You on Facebook [Quicktip]


Facebook limits a number of options for various reasons and relationships being delicate issues that must be dealt with, either with finesse or with stealth, Unfriend Finder at the very least takes out the guesswork from the equation. While we wait for the option to ‘dislike’ a status or updates on Facebook, let’s make do with this app to keep track of which friends are still in our lives and which aren’t.

Related posts:

  1. How to Setup Messages + Facebook Chat in OS X Lion [Quicktip]
  2. How to View Facebook Photos, Pinterest Style [Quicktip]
  3. How to Listen to Music with Friends on Facebook [Quicktip]
  4. How to Rename Facebook Page Vanity URL [Quicktip]

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