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Mittwoch, 4. April 2012 30 Excellent Pixel Art Tutorials For Pixel Lovers 30 Excellent Pixel Art Tutorials For Pixel Lovers

30 Excellent Pixel Art Tutorials For Pixel Lovers

Posted: 01 Apr 2012 05:43 AM PDT

If you’re born in 90s, I am sure that you have witnessed the glorious age of the pixel art. It exists on the old-school gaming platform, mobile phone and other digital devices. It’s one of the greatest technological inventions that dominate the digital world for several years, and now it rises again as a definitive art form within the artist community.

pixel art tutorial 30 Excellent Pixel Art Tutorials For Pixel Lovers
(Image Source: Computer Arts)

Doing the pixel art could mean that you’re striving for perfection, as you even need to manually craft out the shading, dithering and even anti-aliasing. That means you have to draw the artwork pixel by pixel! Therefore it’s called pixel art. Sounds scary, right? Fortunately there are passionate artists who are willing to break their pixel art into comprehensive tutorials for you the possible learners.

Today, with the aim to provide you a solid understanding of the pixel art and its essential techniques, we want to showcase to you 30 detailed and inspiring tutorials by talented pixel artists to help you carve out possibly one of the most detailed works in your life. Whether you have started it or not, it will probably be one of the most interesting and beneficial journey of exploring the better art.

Try on them and you’ll know, full list of tutorials after jump!

Start With Pixel Art

First of the list is an amazingly easy tutorial that teaches you to draw a pixel square.

I know it sounds too easy, but if you’re an absolute beginner, this is your chance to understand the basic technique of drawing a pixel art.

The tutorial comes as a series so you can also learn other tutorials shown in the description section, feel free to follow the advanced ones!

start with pixel art 30 Excellent Pixel Art Tutorials For Pixel Lovers


“Dithering is the act of pixeling two colors in certain patterns in order to give the appearance of being blended.”

Sounds complicated? This detailed and comprehensive tutorial will provide you a sound explanation.

dithering 30 Excellent Pixel Art Tutorials For Pixel Lovers

Shading Of A Rock

With this tutorial you will learn to draw something that you see often in your life, a rock! You will learn about structuration, shading and special highlighting techniques.

I believe from the look it’s not really easy to do, but once you get to draw it, it will be a big step forward to your pixel art mastery!

shading of a rock 30 Excellent Pixel Art Tutorials For Pixel Lovers


If you’re into the game development, learning to form the texture will be a critical need for you.

Developed by Kiwinuptuo, the tutorial won’t be teaching you to draw texture pixel by pixel, but it will uncover professional tips to enhance your textures into something that look more quality and realistic.

textures 30 Excellent Pixel Art Tutorials For Pixel Lovers


A great tutorial which not only brings you through the process of drawing a pixel tree, but also guides you to structure the tree correctly, and ultimately adding details until it becomes an epic pixel tree.

tree 30 Excellent Pixel Art Tutorials For Pixel Lovers

The Pixel Tutorial

From playing tools to conceptualizing to brushing up the detail, Derek Yu will show every essential skill you should know in order to construct a better sprite.

So get ready to learn something from this series of tutorials, divided into 8 detailed parts!

the pixel tutorial 30 Excellent Pixel Art Tutorials For Pixel Lovers

Adding Pattern

Ever wanted to explore the ways to create cute pixel art?

Well, KawaiiHannah will guide you to create adorable pixel character with different clothing patterns, and they are all charming for sure!

adding pattern 30 Excellent Pixel Art Tutorials For Pixel Lovers

Human Sprite

Master the art of creating industry-standard human sprite by following this extensive tutorial written by Kiwinuptuo, who took a line art and transformed it into fantastic character sprite.

human sprite 30 Excellent Pixel Art Tutorials For Pixel Lovers

Pixeling a Monster

“This tutorial is aimed to guide you from having a limited understanding of pixel art through the several necessary stages on your way to creating a working, professional looking RPG styled monster sprite.”

pixeling a monster 30 Excellent Pixel Art Tutorials For Pixel Lovers

Pixel Over

Pixel Over is the spriting technique that you grab off a picture online or offline, and use it as a visual guide as you sprite over it.

The tutorial will explain the essential pixel over technique to you step by step, and ultimately guiding you to sprite a very cool Pokémon!

pixel over 30 Excellent Pixel Art Tutorials For Pixel Lovers

Spriting Fakémon

An interesting and detailed tutorial done by The-Godlings-Rapture, which explains to you the genuine ways to spriting Fakémon.

Besides spriting, you will also learn about the sketching and conceptualizing of pixel art, so this is a tutorial you shouldn’t miss!

spriting fakemon 30 Excellent Pixel Art Tutorials For Pixel Lovers

Spriting Fur

Enjoyable tutorial that talks to you the important tips needed to create the furs though pixels, and it was done though the Microsoft Paint!

spriting fur 30 Excellent Pixel Art Tutorials For Pixel Lovers

Create a Roof

You’ve known about drawing pixel character and monster, how about pixel buildings? The tutorial will explain to you what Isometric is, and how to implement it into your drawing to create a perfect isometric roof using irregular isometric lines.

create a roof 30 Excellent Pixel Art Tutorials For Pixel Lovers

Isometric House

Obtain the required technique and knowledge to construct a charming isometric house!

isometric house 30 Excellent Pixel Art Tutorials For Pixel Lovers

Isometric Building

Another quality tutorial done by Zoanoid that walks you through the process of creating an attractive isometric building.

isometric building 30 Excellent Pixel Art Tutorials For Pixel Lovers

Isometric Pool

While most pixel art tutorials teach you to draw building, this rare piece will guide you to construct a very cool isometric swimming pool!

isometric pool 30 Excellent Pixel Art Tutorials For Pixel Lovers

Titan Statue

It’s really easy, but I will say this tutorial is epic. Don’t miss it if you want to create an amusing yet epic Titan Status!

To the power of our god they say!

titan statue 30 Excellent Pixel Art Tutorials For Pixel Lovers

Hand-Crafted Pixel Art

PSDTuts will lead you to crafting a detailed pixel art while explaining the rights and wrongs of pixel art production in its comprehensive and up-to-par tutorial.

hand crafted pixel art 30 Excellent Pixel Art Tutorials For Pixel Lovers

Pixel Art

Combining what you might have learned from the tutorials above, this advanced tutorial will discuss about the best practice to produce a complete and detailed pixel art illustration.

pixel art 30 Excellent Pixel Art Tutorials For Pixel Lovers

Be a Pixel Artist

So you want to be a great pixel artist, huh? Here’s an insightful tutorial for you that uncovers every essential bits that author knows in order to help you master your pixel art!

be a pixel artist 30 Excellent Pixel Art Tutorials For Pixel Lovers

Creating Pixel Art

With FAQ style, the tutorial is written to help you understand more about the basics of pixel art: its origin, terms, techniques, difference with other art forms, and ultimately some Do’s and Don’ts on producing quality pixel art.

creating pixel art 30 Excellent Pixel Art Tutorials For Pixel Lovers

Thinking in Color

Color will either make or break your pixel art, that’s what the author emphasizes, and with this article you’ll be exploring the principles of creating a delightful pixel character by focus on using the right colors.

thinking in color 30 Excellent Pixel Art Tutorials For Pixel Lovers


I found this tutorial inspiring as it’s not something regular that only teaches you about the colors, but explains the “Hue Change Rule” and the right ways of forming a color palette. Probably a worthy tutorial for even an artist!

colors 30 Excellent Pixel Art Tutorials For Pixel Lovers

Texture Color Theory

“Unimaginative shading is one of the biggest things I see on pixel art here on deviantArt.”

With this said, Ostwyn will be referencing a lot of textures and the science behind their awesome shading.

texture color theory 30 Excellent Pixel Art Tutorials For Pixel Lovers

Pixel Art Course

Translated by OpenGameArt, this 7-part tutorial will help you learn/revise every basic technique essential to the pixel art, and tips on pixel game development as well!

pixel art course 30 Excellent Pixel Art Tutorials For Pixel Lovers

Spriting Guide

So you’ve learned some essential lessons of pixel art, but when it comes to the actual game spriting, this tutorial is one of the best for the newcomers.

As a game development tutorial, it talks about the techniques that are applicable to the normal spriting but should be avoided in game spriting.

spriting guide 30 Excellent Pixel Art Tutorials For Pixel Lovers

Guide to Pixel Art

A detailed article from Lotusware that starts by looking into the creation of tiles, and it will also cover related elements such as shadows, palettes, light source, ratios and tile joints.

guide to pixel art 30 Excellent Pixel Art Tutorials For Pixel Lovers

Mage Knight

A must-read for every pixel artist, since the article covers almost everything critical to producing a game loaded with industry-standard pixel arts, and the author is from the team that made the Mage Knight game for the Nintendo DS platform!

mage knight 30 Excellent Pixel Art Tutorials For Pixel Lovers

Seiken Densetsu Style

This guide will be dissecting the Seiken Densetsu in order to explain the colors, materials, textures, outlines and other notable bits to achieve the Seiken Densetsu-styled pixel art.

seiken densetsu style 30 Excellent Pixel Art Tutorials For Pixel Lovers

16×16 Pixel Art

Eventually what could pixel art be made for? Fun! And this tutorial will teach you to push the pixels into a 16×16 amusing and awesome pixel art!

16x16 pixel art 30 Excellent Pixel Art Tutorials For Pixel Lovers


It’s really mind-blowing to hear that in order to do the pixel art, one has to do the shading, dithering and anti-aliasing manually! Those techniques are what I’ve been suffering while learning the line art, and now I need to do them manually on pixel art! That said, heartfelt thanks to all pixel artists that are great and kind enough to uncover their secrets of making the pixel art, thus reviving up this once-fallen yet invaluable art form!

Well, though we have digged into the web and showcased awesome tutorials we have found here, there must be other awe-inspiring tutorials lying in the web somewhere. Do kindly let us know if you stumbled upon it, or if you actually did one, don’t hesitate to show to us! Enjoy pixeling then!

How to Protect Your Pictures from Pinterest Pinnings [Quicktip]

Posted: 29 Mar 2012 11:05 PM PDT

The interest on Pinterest has grown exponentially and users have been pinning photos from all over the internet. If your site leverages on having loads of images, this pinning fever might worry you a little – there are references to Pinterest as being the ‘haven for copyright violations’ for a reason. If you are not fond of having your valuable copyrighted photos pinned by these pinners, it may seem like there is nothing you can do to stop them, or is there?

prevent pinterest How to Protect Your Pictures from Pinterest Pinnings [Quicktip]

Pinterest itself has released a new feature that will allow you to disable pinning activities on your sites with a meta tag. It’s very simple to implement on your site, and there’s also a plugin you can use if you work on a WordPress blog. In this article, we will guide you on how to use these Pin-prevention methods to protect your photos.

Stopping Pinterest Pins on HTML sites

If you have your work on a standard html website, you can stop Pinterest pins by inserting a meta tag in the header section of your html page, within the <head> section. Make sure it is inserted before the closing </head>. The meta tag to use is as follow;

<meta name="pinterest" content="nopin" />

Your standard header file should look something like this once the meta tag is included;

prevent pinterest meta How to Protect Your Pictures from Pinterest Pinnings [Quicktip]

With this meta tag, Pinterest users who attempt to pin your photos will get this error message.

prevent pinterest error How to Protect Your Pictures from Pinterest Pinnings [Quicktip]

Stopping Pinterest Pins on WordPress sites

If you are using WordPress, you can simply add a new plugin to stop pinning activities. An example of a plugin you can use is called Pinterest Block. To use this plugin for your WordPress sites, go to your WordPress admin page, click ‘Add New’ under ‘Plugin’ section, and search for ‘Pinterest Block’.

prevent pinterest wp search plugin How to Protect Your Pictures from Pinterest Pinnings [Quicktip]

Once you have found the Plugin, install and activate. In the option panel, you will have a few options on how you want Pinterest Block to work on your site.

prevent pinterest wp options How to Protect Your Pictures from Pinterest Pinnings [Quicktip]

Check the options that are suitable for your site, then click "Save Settings". And that’s it; Pinterest users will now no longer be able to pin any photos from the pages you’ve blocked. The error shown will be the same as those for html websites.


With only a simple step, you are now protected from photo copyright violations. Users are random and not many of them are aware of copyright issues, but with this meta tag, you can continue producing great photos and publishing them on your sites without worry.

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